Donate to the Bean Cow Bolting Fund

As of January 2025, the owners and staff of Bean Cow Climbing Gym are in the process of bolting the first outdoor climbing routes on the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand, in Rayong. The process was initiated in the last half of 2024 during which they acquired permission to bolt from the authorities.

The goal is to have completed several bolted anchors on a few different walls in the first quarter of 2025 that are ready for the public to climb. At this time, Bean Cow may also lead some guided trips to Rayong if there is enough interest.

However, this is a fully volunteer and self-funded project, as are all the bolting projects in Thailand. We will receive some assistance from the Thai Climbing Development Association, who are themselves volunteer and donation based. This is why we need your help!

If you anticipate climbing in the area in the future, we would like to sincerely ask for a donation of whatever amount you can give. The money goes towards special bolting equipment such as drills, hardware that goes on the wall, gas money, etc.

The following link will take you to our Ko-fi page which has all of our updates and an option to donate by any method you would like. If you are within Thailand and would simply like to pay us directly, you can scan the QR code here. If you pay this way, please send us a note by dm, line @beancowclimbing, or email to let us know.

To stay updated, follow us on social media and/or the ko-fi page. We will have location info and topo maps available soon.

Donate within Thailand - Malee Alexander